
Common Concert etiquette

Last night I attended a rock concert for the first time in over a year and the audience's behavior was simply atrocious! Doors opened at 7:00, I arrived at 7:30 with the full realization that I would not get the best spot in the house. Fine by me because most people are genuinely courteous. About half of the attendees were the exact opposite. Yes, it was an all ages show and I mean ALL AGES. Three year olds (amazingly with earplugs), 40-somethings with kids, teenie-boppers, coming-of-age college students, and those of us old enough to be out of the party-all-night stage but not yet to having a family -- the "tweeners" as to which I heard us referred.

The problem comes in with the "kids" who are still discovering the effects of alcohol on their bodies. The group that stood behind us for half of the Redwalls, all of The Zutons, and half of Keane talking about going to Planet Hollywood after the show and grinding with one another. That's great for them, but I didn't need to know about it and I'm sure the other concert-goers didn't need the edification. If you're more excited about post-show events, by all means leave the venue and get it started! It also goes without saying that if you drop your $5.00 beer and it splashes over the person next to you, apologize. Don't shove into the tiny little spot in front of the small person (who occupied that space) just because your bigger and more drunk. If you can limit your trips to the bar to between songs or sets, it is greatly appreciated by the people behind you.

Minor rants, I know, but it just makes everyone enjoy the show a lot more in the long run.