Weekly update

Lots happens in a short amount of time. First, I feel I need to comment on the recent high profile deaths. First, Terri Shaivo. It's time to let her rest in peace. Second, Frank Perdue the chicken guy and person who made the poultry industry the commercialized and underhanded business it is today. Antibiotics? Steriods? Not nearly as bad as Tyson, but not pure chicken anymore. His death was overshadowed by the other two. Third, Pope John Paul II. No, I'm not Catholic, but I've been mildly amused by the press coverage and how his death brought the world's nations closer for a few short days. It gave me hope that peace may come to this world if only everyone would put their cultural and religious differences aside and focus on the basic human needs of love, respect, and compassion.

On a more materialistic note, I purchased a new Saturn Ion 2 Quad Coupe just over a week ago. My poor SC2 (8 years old and 102K+ miles later) needed quite a bit of work, not including the new tires it would need in the next year, window tinting that needed replaced, and various other paint and cosmetic blemishes that needed fixed. I'm happy with the car, it gets great gas mileage, and is much more quiet than the old car. It's my first new car, and it's such an odd experience. Don't like the smell (gives me a headache), but it'll leave after a month of driving with the windows down!